goodbye ~

huaaa finally...
i've passed re 9 final test :)
and the result? hehe.. not too bad. alhamdulillah :) this is the first time i said "not too bad" for RE's final test :puppyeyes:

well. i must say good bye to re 9 -_-
we will not complete at all,
tika, faris, and gita will go to their new college.. *ah ya three of them are UGM's collegian now. yihha. good luck you guys!

pink's-blue's :
teh Gita, Ifa, Meiska, Me, Miss Iva, ka Tika, Doddi (haris's soulmate), Harris a.k.a Inayah, and Faris.

one second after test paper collected. haha we still could smile ;p

Cinta Laura's Big Fans (note : Harris felt proud coz cinta staired at him. OH MY! how fool. haha)

(copy paste from miss iva's fb)
Real English 9 with its 'ICON' sitting on Doddy's lap HAHAHAHA

Harris Prasetyo : In realationship with Doddi Dirghantara
Doddi Dirghantara : engaged with Harris Prasetyo

huahahaha.. *piss u guys :p

and what miss iva's opinion about us? i copied from her facebook ;)

fun class , great students (and great teacher? hehehe..). A class full of laughter. I'll always remember of how 'inventive' they were in finding silly terms.... ^_*
Good job guys....good luck to all of you.

yey! thanks miss :) you are dbest english teacher i've ever had.
okaaay then, good bye real english 9. welcome real english 10 :D

i'll be missing re 9 guys cium

3 komentar:

si Biru mengatakan...

Wah perpisahan emang sulit dilupakan..
good blog

Mutia Arini Putri mengatakan...

iiiiiiiii coba gue tetep lanjut EF ya naz..umgkin skg udah re 10

Ardhn Mohammed mengatakan...

hello, nice blog. Asik ya emang sama temen2 les..hehe..